Wednesday, August 27, 2008

McCain Numbers Looking Good

Both of these polls are behind the Rasmussen Reports subscription wall, but I wanted to point out that John Sidney McCain is starting to pull ahead on some key indicators.

I alluded to these numbers yesterday, but I wanted to revisit the Better Leader and the Personal Values Reflect Your Own numbers. On the subject of who is the better leader, 46% say McCain, 38% Obama. On the Personal Values Closest to Own: McCain 46%, Obama 39%.

Some new data for today includes numbers on National Security and the Economy. On the issue of national security, likely voters are supporting McCain over Obama 52% to 41%. On the issue of the economy, McCain pulls a 48% to 42% lead.

That economy number is significant because Democrats have been enjoying an advantage over Republicans on that issue for awhile.

All of that is prelude to this revelation: When you include the leaners, McCain leads Obama 47% to 46%. The race is effectively tied during the Democrat convention. If you had told me it was going to be like this, even a month ago, I'd have been shocked. Clearly Biden didn't help Obama, but I do think that McCain's Veepstakes winner has the potential to help him. Plus, the GOP convention is next week, so that should help a little as well.