Thursday, August 28, 2003

The M Files: George Bush of Baghdad

It's a fair bet this Baghdad baby won't run into anybody else in Iraq with the same name. His parents named their six-week-old son George Bush, to show their appreciation for U.S. efforts to get Saddam Hussein out of power. This story is by the Associated Press.

I have actually been waiting for this story. And I know that the mainstream media will pass on it. This is the story that needs to be told. Iraqis are not engaged in a mass revolt against any American occupation. They are in fact GRATEFUL that we have finally taken the neccessary action to end a horrible regime that was known for committing crimes against humanity and his own people.

The majority of those few miserable people who are attacking the liberators of Iraq are not Iraqis. They are foreign terrorists bent on destablizing a neccessary period of reform. These are the same people that would use Saddam's weapons of mass destruction if they were capable of securing them.

Whether we find weapons of mass destruction or not is irrelevent. We did what was best for Iraq, the Middle East region and the world. We have a responsibility to lead and to use our power with careful consideration for the betterment of mankind. We did what was RIGHT.