Extended Matt's Chat: Why We Engage In Discourse
I'm not with those who say that liberals hate America. I believe that we all have the right and responsibility to examine our hearts and minds to discover for ourselves what we choose to believe. We can look at facts, opinions, and commentary all we want; but in the end, as a nation we must chart a course that we believe is the right thing to do. I think the level of rhetoric put forth by both sides of the aisle is disgusting. I have no problems with honest examiniations of the issues.
I define terrorism as an act or threat of violence against non-military targets with the intent of causing a ideological or political shift in a government. Osama bin Ladin is a terrorist. So is Yassir Arafat. And so is Saddam Hussein. The UN issued a number of resolutions demanding that Saddam disarm and prove that he had done so. I don't blame Clinton for that. I blame Saddam Hussein. The UN inspectors were constantly harrassed, rarely received cooperation from Iraq, and were thrown out by Iraq at one point. In the end, Iraq realized that time was running out and started to at least put on the show of cooperation. Why is that? Because putting on the show of cooperation bought Saddam time under the Clinton administration. Was Iraq finally complying after 12 years? I don't believe so. But I don't know that for a fact. And neither does anyone else but Saddam.
None of that changes the fact that we should assume that Americans love America. And that includes liberals. They have a different point of view than conservatives. They have a different vision for America. They may criticize or question America. They will get in our face. I don't have a problem with any of that so long as it is about the issues. And the reverse should also be true.
The president has indicated that he would like to see the elevation of discourse. I couldn't agree more. Let's debate the ideas and avoid the name calling.
Who's with me?