Friday, September 05, 2003

Weapons of Mass Discussion is a forum that challenges the liberal media and defends the honor and integrity of America.

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NOTE: There will be no commentary today as Mark and Matt are headed to Cleveland for the weekend with some friends.

Palestinian Rift Simmers as Council Meets:

Check out this story about the struggle between Abbas and Arafat.

All the Iraq News You Need

Check out this article about the Pentagon's internal review of their work in Iraq thus far.

Here's an opinion piece about al Qaueda's Iraq agenda.

Bush to explain Iraq.

And finally, Secy. of Defense Rumsfeld inspected some troops in Tikrit. Read all about it here.

Freaks of the Week: Those crazy Texas Democrats from the state legislature "exiled" to New Mexico. Check this story out. Here is another article about the one who came home.

Quote of the Week: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." - John F. Kennedy (Democrat, President of the United States)