Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Democrat from Tennessee Reveals Info From "Classified" Briefing

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson said Monday the Bush administration last year told him and other senators that Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction, but they had the means to deliver them to East Coast cities.

Nelson, D-Tallahassee, said about 75 senators got that news during a classified briefing before last October's congressional vote authorizing the use of force to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Nelson voted in favor of using military force.

Nelson said he couldn't reveal who in the administration gave the briefing.

The White House directed questions about the matter to the Department of Defense. Defense officials had no comment on Nelson's claim.

Get the rest of the article from Florida Emphasis belongs to the editor.

Matt's Chat

This man revealed information from a classified briefing. What is the point behind a classified briefing? Intelligence methods and information is classified to protect those sources. If the media can work itself up in to a lather over the Spy Games issue, surely this should get some press.

Notice how the reporter tries to suggest that the President lied yet the senator doesn't reveal who gave the briefing. Some will suggest that my point of view is Halliburton spin. I just think it is important for classified information to remain classified because it was classified for a reason. I actually think that there were some serious problems with the intelligence briefings that the President and the members of Congress got on the weapons, but that doesn't mean that my position on their existence has changed. It is important to figure out what was right and what was wrong in those intelligence briefings and to fix those problems so that we can have our leaders making decisions on the best information as possible.

Mark's Remarks

Matt, you forget the Dim/Media mantra: never let truth (or fairness, for that matter) get in the way of a smear! They will report all over this story, probably erect a statue to this senator as a hero of freedom, even if he may be wrong, or even if he just endangered lives by dishing out classified information. It does not matter that he broke the law, broke the unwritten rules of classification....nope, all that matters is more smear and more bad press for the President. These people really are beginning to clutch at straws.....I love that cartoon. I am sure ufos will be the next thing, too.