Libya Giving Up WMDs
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Matt's Chat
I agree with the President's sentiment in hopes that North Korea and Iran will take something from Libya's example. This, if successful, will go a long way towards restoring Libya's relations with the world community.I believe this to be a direct result of the war in Iraq specifically and the War on Terror generally. And is a good indicator of just how fantastic a job our troops, the Bush administration, and our allies (More good news for Tony Blair!) are doing in this war. We still have a lot of work to do, but I think it is important that we recognize the successes when we get them!
Mark's Remarks
This is further proof that the Bush Doctrine, even the threat of invoking it, works! Rather, it is proof YET AGAIN that the Reagan idea of "PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH" works, that not being afraid to bite the bullet and act, take the heat, etc. can actually work and benefit negotiations. Congratulations to PM Blair, his staff, President Bush, his staff, and our men and women in uniform: through your efforts in Iraq, the news that the US is not going to accede to terror nations anymore is getting through. Now, North Korea, Syria, and others-you can take the Libya way out, or you can take the Saddam way out. The choice is yours. Wow, Reagan, Bush, and conservatives are right again in the idea that peace through strength works. Wow, guess the libs are on the wrong side of history again...but don't worry, they will try to rewrite history however they can. Never let fact, truth, and logic get in the way of a smear.