Majority Back the War
Americans think the war in Iraq was the right decision by a 2-1 margin and are more inclined to approve of the job done by President Bush in foreign policy and terrorism following the capture of Saddam Hussein, an Associated Press poll found.
Two-thirds in the poll said they were confident the United States would capture or kill Osama bin Laden, who is believed to have orchestrated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. That's up from about half who felt that way in a poll in September.
"I'm confident we'll capture Osama bin Laden,'' said Jill Chiccino, a surgical technician from Wilmington, Del. "I still don't feel that will solve terrorism, but it may help.''
More than six in 10 registered voters, 63 percent, said they approved of Bush's handling of foreign policy and terrorism, up from 54 percent who felt that way in early December in an AP-Ipsos poll. Bush's overall job approval among voters was 59 percent, up from 53 percent in early December but still far below his mid-70s war ratings from earlier this year.
Seven in 10 said they believed the Iraq war was an important part of the campaign against terrorism rather than a distraction, as some critics have charged. And by more than a 2-1 margin, people said the war was the right decision and not a mistake.
Respondents were divided on whether the war in Iraq has made terrorist attacks in this country more likely, 40 percent, or less likely, 49 percent.
Almost two-thirds said they expected a terrorist attack on a major U.S. city, building or national landmark in the next year. But only 15 percent said they thought such an attack was very likely. In a different poll in May, almost half said a terrorist attack was very likely in the near future.
``I'm not expecting anything as bad as 9-11,'' said Indiana college student Deanna Moon. But she expected the United States would be attacked by people loyal to Saddam and bin Laden: "There's going to be something here and there because their followers are so nutty.''
The AP-Ipsos poll of 1,001 adults was taken Monday through Wednesday and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, slightly larger for subgroups such as registered voters.
Get the rest of the coverage from the Guardian.
Matt's Chat
We still have much work to do in the war against terror, but these numbers reflect the fact that the American people realize what is important.Mark's Remarks
Are you sure that Darth Halliburton has not paid them off? Nah, it is an independent poll, not even sanctioned by Bush or any functionaries. But, of course, the liberals will smear away, because, Liberals NEVER, EVER let truth, facts, or logic get in the way of a smear.
Glad to see America is coming out of the haze purported by the standard media. Maybe more people got cable, because network news rating continue to fall, while Fox continues to go up. Maybe more Americans are catching on to the spinaroonies done by the Rathers and such on Network news.
We are winning the war, both in Iraq, and the culture war here in America against the appeasers and worshippers of those who would bow at the UN, and place our security squarely in the hands of an anti-American organization, run by the hate America crowd. Hate to sound like a whack, but it is looking more that way.
I am so glad Americans are waking up. Now we need to speak out for this Administration and its stand against terror.