Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Bush's Secret Weapon: Young Voters

Be sure to check out the caption under the picture at the top...


Matt's Chat

Why is it surprising that Bush is popular among young voters? Why does MSNBC think it is surprising? Could it be that they (MSNBC) are biased against the President?

This president IS popular. Contrary to what the media will try to convince you.

Mark's Remarks

Let's be clear on this, Matt. The President is popular with young voters who can think, who are not sheep guided by this self-serving liberal establishment that seeks mind control through propagation of Big Lies (tell it loud enough and long enough, people will accept it as truth) via such outlets as MTV and the Clinton News Network. Folks who have been raised to think for themselves like Bush and think he is doing a good job. For the folks who merely imitate what they see on TV, well, they just don't have a clue, nor will they ever, until they think for themselves. Make up your own minds, young people, don't let Dan Rather, Wolf Blitzer, or Kurt Loder or other Hamsters do it for you.