Monday, January 19, 2004

Dems: Rove is the Evil Genius Behind Bush

There are no "Rove for President" signs, Rove house parties or bumper stickers screaming "Karl!"

No matter. To the Democratic presidential candidates, the powerful White House political strategist they consider President Bush's evil genius might as well be on the ballot. Certainly they have mentioned him so often on the campaign trail in recent weeks that he sometimes sounds like Mr. Bush's running mate.

Wesley K. Clark in Nashua, N.H.: "So if Karl Rove is watching today, Karl, I want you to hear me loud and clear. I am going to provide tax cuts to ease the burdens for 31 million American families."

John Kerry on the CBS program "Face the Nation," describing what he called Howard Dean's inability to tackle the president on national security: "If he can't answer those questions adequately now, he's not going to be able to answer them when George Bush and Karl Rove go at him."

Dr. Dean in Columbia, S.C.: "If Karl Rove tries to divide us by gender, we're going to talk about better schools for all of our children."

Joseph I. Lieberman in a conference call to reporters: "I've got news for Howard Dean. The primaries are a warm-up compared to what George Bush and Karl Rove have waiting for the Democratic nominee."

Even Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, who supports Dr. Dean (and who invoked Mr. Rove's name in his endorsement speech), is in on the act. Dr. Dean, he said on Friday in Iowa, "is George Bush and Karl Rove's worst nightmare."

Get the rest of this New York Times story.

Matt's Chat

And here all along I thought the Dr. Evil of the Bush Administration was Dick Cheney. Liberals can't make up their mind! Cheney or Rove? Maybe, just maybe, if liberals really think hard about this, they will discover that the President makes his OWN decisions. He is above politics because he does what he thinks is RIGHT for our nation. That will just fry their little hamster minds, I'm sure...

Mark's Remarks

Matt, they do not want to give this President credit. They think that he is some type of marionette manipulated by forces around him. But they decline to remember that we had that for 8 years, it was called the Clinton administration and the folks pulling the strings were the special interests, the Chinese, and the North Koreans. Anyone who wanted to donate to Bubba got special favors, some even got last minute pardons. Others got secret missile technology that may be hurting our national security.

Also, if Mr. Rove, who is an excellent political strategist, were really in charge, do you honestly think he would be behind announcing the immigration initiative and the medicare reform so close together? These were things which totally alienated the conservative base, and have hurt Bush with some of his core voters. Why would an analyst advocate sacrificing the base? It just goes to show Mr. Bush makes his own decisions, based on judgment and volition rather than political expediency.