Saturday, January 10, 2004

Russian Weapons in Iraq

US officials have found evidence corroborating White House allegations that Russian companies sold Saddam Hussein high-tech military equipment that threatened US forces during the invasion of Iraq last March, a senior State Department official said yesterday.

The official said the United States has found proof that Russian companies exported night-vision goggles and radar-jamming equipment to Iraq, the official said. The evidence includes the equipment itself and proof that it was used during the war, according to the official. Such exports would violate the terms of United Nations sanctions against Iraq.

"We have corroborated some of that evidence," the official told a group of reporters.

While insisting that the matter is "now in the past," he said that the Bush administration "never received entirely satisfactory explanations" of its charges, and that the issue "is still a sensitive one in the relationship."

Get the rest of this article from the Boston Globe.

Matt's Chat

This is why Russia was against the war. They were supplying the other side. Wonder what French and German revelations will be made by the time this is all over... When nations who generally stand with us are against us, the culprit is usually money. Look for it and you will find the reason for their stance.

Mark's Remarks

Amen....Ollie North has highlighted in his media coverage when he was embedded with soldiers finding caches of French Weapons and German Weapons that the Iraqis were hoarding. Wow, how does it feel, Germany and France, and now Russia, to be revealed as openly supporting a dictator who murdered with your weapons you continued to sell after his crimes were revealed? How does it feel to be complicit in genocide? How does it feel to be an aide to terror? The French, Germans, and Russians should be forced to pay reparations for damages done to our men and women and equipment from weapons the Iraqis used against us. They should be complicit in Human rights trials where Iraqis used their weapons to kill and pillage. Wow, some lovers of freedom and equality, those french and germans. Of course, it is to be expected from Russia, they have a long history government wise of wanting to crush dissent and of killing....going back to Stalin, Lenin, the Czars.....