Thursday, February 12, 2004

Earth Calling Kucinich...Come In Kucinich

Thanks to the WMD reader who sent us the link for this is a hoot!

From the Dayton Daily News: [as usual, the emphasis is ours]

If the contest ends and John Kerry is all but certain to be the Democratic presidential nominee, maybe Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Cleveland, just didn't get the message.

"I expect to be the nominee," Kucinich said Wednesday while taping a public affairs television show in Bowling Green.

On the same day that retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark left the race for the Democratic nomination, Kucinich swooped into this college town on a modest wave of success.

The former Cleveland mayor finished third in the Washington state caucuses Saturday with 8 percent and third again Sunday in the Maine caucuses, this time with about 16 percent.

Kucinich didn't mention the primaries Tuesday that Kerry won in Virginia and Tennessee where Kucinich scraped the bottom with 1 percent in each state. But he promised to campaign hard through March 2, when Ohio, California, New York and seven other states hold primaries or caucuses as part of Super Tuesday. Kucinich is scheduled to campaign in Ohio, including the Dayton area, next week.

Matt's Chat


Oh, I just can't take it...

Mark's Remarks

I just cannot take this man's self delusion....he is a total nincompoop....but of course he came from Cleveland, like other hamsters......