Saturday, February 07, 2004

Proof of Saddam Dealing with Internat'l Terrorism?

Check this out.

Matt's Chat

As Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds says, let's see if this pans out.

Mark's Remarks

Liberal Hamsters are using words like "alleged" letter and "appears" to support Saddam asking for help from terrorists. They really cannot even fathom that Saddam might have consorted with terrorists. That is not true. They can fathom it. They probably agree that he did. However, they are out to downplay our doing so well in the war on terror, that we are suffocating al-queda and they are on the run. They want to lull you into thinking the whole terror thing is gone or was made up. Then, when another terror attack happens, they will throw their hands up and wonder why. They are politicizing one of the most important issues facing us. They do not care about our security or even finding the truth. It is all about political spin. Just think, folks who are sworn to protect us are using national security for political gain...the Dims are being so hypocritical with their comments on intel. Instead of looking at any problems, instead they are trying to use any missteps to blame this President and take him down. And why? Simple, they hate that someone had the stones to stand up to the world and say no more, and to make the word of America mean something again. Their president, Mr. Clinton, could only shoot missiles at aspirin factories and empty tents. Our President went in and took out the threat. Whether or not Saddam had stockpiles, he was wanting them, and with the stuff coming out about Pakistan, who knows if he might not have found someone to give them to him if he would have stayed in power? Of course, the liberals don't want you to hear that. They don't want you to hear the valiant work our men and women are doing. Instead, they want to lull you into thinking Iraq is Vietnam and we are in the Great Depression, when reality says otherwise. Do not let them get away with their Big Lie.