Thursday, February 05, 2004

Tenet: No Imminent Threat

From My Way News (AP):

In his first public defense of prewar intelligence, CIA Director George Tenet said Thursday U.S. analysts never claimed before the war that Iraq posed an imminent threat.

Tenet said analysts had varying opinions on the state of Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs and those differences were spelled out in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate given to the White House. That report summarized intelligence on Iraq's weapons programs.

Analysts "painted an objective assessment for our policy makers of a brutal dictator who was continuing his efforts to deceive and build programs that might constantly surprise us and threaten our interests, " he said in a speech at Georgetown University.

"No one told us what to say or how to say it," Tenet said.

He said that "in the intelligence business, you are never completely wrong or completely right ... When the facts of Iraq are all in, we will neither be completely right nor completely wrong."

He also noted that the search for banned weapons is continuing and "despite some public statements, we are nowhere near 85 percent finished. " That was a direct rebuttal to claims made by David Kay, Tenet's former top adviser in the weapons search.

Matt's Chat

I get three things from this: 1) the administration did not influence the intelligence community's assessment of Iraq's WMD program. (Hamsters will claim that Tenet is a Bush man and will say whatever Halliburton tells him to...Tenet was appointed to the CIA by President CLINTON); 2) Tenet still thinks that there is a chance that the Iraq Survey Group could still find WMDs in Iraq. And 3) Tenet acknowledged the human intelligence dificiencies since the mid-'90s (that's Clinton's watch for you hamsters out there) and that the community had been working to rebuild the clandestine services.

Will we hear from Michael "Miserable Failure" Moore that Tenet is a liar? Will Democratic "leaders" in Congress demand an investigation? Will the New York Times decry this as some Halliburton conspiracy?

Mark's Remarks

YOU KNOW WHAT HAMSTERS? PRESIDENT BUSH DID NOT SAY THAT IRAQ WAS AN IMMINENT THREAT, EITHER!!!!!!!!! Let's be clear. Again, referring to the speech when he told us we were going in, we are going to take our enemies on BEFORE, BEFORE they become an imminent threat. Tenet today said that Saddam was bent on getting nuke programs and was conspiring to start programs. That is enough. Of course, even though Tenet was appointed by Clinton, the Clintonistas and the Dims will say he is a liar, that he has been corrupted by Darth Halliburton and that it was all cooked up in Texas. Even as they tout those who saved people from drowning despite their own shady pasts with water hazards. I think you know who I am discussing, so we will leave it at that.

HAMSTERS, WAKE UP!!! Quit playing word games and instead worry about fixing some of the deficiences that YOUR messiah, Bill Clinton caused and exacerbated on his watch. Going back to Carter, all through the 1990s, Libs and Dims have been trying to blind our intel. John Kerry wanted to disband the CIA. He introduced an action in Congress that thankfully was never taken up to do just that. These people just don't get it. They see the USA as the bad guys. It does not matter to them that 3000 people lost their lives on 9/11, that was yesterday's news, who cares if people are still scarred by it, right libs? Who cares that we have thwarted terror threats in the 3 years since? It just means we should cripple the military and intel again and wait for the next attack. Or, as John Kerry says, we should go back to the days when it was a LEGAL issue. Let's issue warrants that no one save us will serve or execute on the terrorists. That worked so well with the original WTC bombers, didn't it? Our lax military action and equipment worked so well in Somalia, where no less than Usama himself said that he learned Americans will run away! Who was President then? Yep, Liberal Bill Clinton. It all happened on his watch. Now, the Dims are trying to lay the blame on Bush for problems dumped in his lap by the aimless and often pantless Bill Clinton. Don't be fooled. If we put a lib in the White House, all hell will break loose, and we will be in more danger than ever. They hate the military, they hate American strength. They think we need to bow and subject ourselves. We do not. We have as much right to be happy and exist peacefully as any other nation. We do not and should not be ashamed for being a great place. But that is what liberals want. Do not let them have their way. Don't fall for the lie of the cooked up war. The only ones cooking things up are liberals.