Monday, February 09, 2004

Al Queda in Iraq

From the New York Times:

American officials here have obtained a detailed proposal that they conclude was written by an operative in Iraq to senior leaders of Al Qaeda, asking for help to wage a "sectarian war" in Iraq in the next months.

The Americans say they believe that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who has long been under scrutiny by the United States for suspected ties to Al Qaeda, wrote the undated 17-page document. Mr. Zarqawi is believed to be operating here in Iraq.
The memo says extremists are failing to enlist support inside the country, and have been unable to scare the Americans into leaving. It even laments Iraq's lack of mountains in which to take refuge.

Matt's Chat

As Glenn Reynolds the Instapundit would say, let's see how this pans out.

Mark's Remarks

Again, the liberals are using words like "alleged" and "appears" to try to spin this into the realm of not being true, or even being possibly true. Yep, the liberals do not want you to hear that our President, George W. Bush, has led our armed forces as Commander-in-Chief so well that al queda is complaining about being smothered. They want to spin that away, so rather than announce this, the media is still concentrating on the whole National Guard stuff, things that are being rehashed from the 2000 campaign and back when Bush was running for Governor. It just goes to show you that this good news for America is bad news for Dimocraps and liberals, which is why the liberal media is downplaying it. They want you to think things are going terribly, when reality is far different. Don't let the libs get you down. Don't believe their BIG LIE.