Heinz Wants Distance from Kerry
From Yahoo News:H.J. Heinz Co. has launched an election-year campaign of its own, this one to distance the ketchup maker from what is shaping up to be an acrimonious presidential race.
The company has sent nearly 50 letters to radio and television talk shows nationwide to tamp down chatter on the airwaves and Internet suggesting revenue from ketchup sales will benefit the campaign of pending Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
His wife is Teresa Heinz Kerry, heiress to the $500 million family ketchup fortune.
Matt's Chat
You can run, but you can not hide... Heinz is going to have to deal with the ramifications of this...they are in it whether they like it or not. Unless they have better luck keeping Madame Ketchup quiet than her husbands staff did. Good luck with that...Mark's Remarks
Isn't it amazing, even the company they own wants nothing to do with the Kerrys!!!!! They are going out of their way to run away from Kerry and his statements.
Heinz does need to realize, however, that if Kerry wins he will tax their 57 plants overseas, because the company is not investing in America, and if you honestly believe that will happen, I have oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you.