More UN Scandal - Rwanda
From Canada Free Press:In 1994, when the plane went down, the department of peacekeeping affairs–including the responsibility for the investigation into the crash--was headed by then undersecretary-general Kofi Annan.
Annan got it right when he called the black box affair a "first-class foul-up". It’s a foul-up that leads all the way to his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on Dec. 10, 2001.
The UN has failed Rwanda in the tragedy of some 600,000 deaths, many of them children hacked to death by machete.
According to, the ABC of famous Canadians, "General Romeo Daillaire did everything he could pleading for 2,000 more peacekeepers to add to his insufficiently equipped 3,000 main force.
"Instead his forces were cut down from 3,000 to a mere 500 men, who had to watch as one of the most horrible genocides in human history took place before their very eyes."
Matt's Chat
So what other scandals lurk in the hallowed halls of the UN? One wonders...Mark's Remarks
Yes, this scandal from the so-called experts on Human rights...who heads Human rights commissions again? Oh right, those bastions of rights China, Cuba, Libya, et. al. Brilliant. Anyone else out there consider the UN a rousing success? Ask Rwandans. Ask the relatives of those hacked to death. Unadulterated, unabashed, unappealing, MISERABLE FAILURE!!!!! Yep, the UN is a miserable failure! Nuff said.