Glenn Reynolds Gets It Half Right
From MSNBC/ course, people who root against their country in time of war (the quaint term for such is "traitors") aren't "well-meaning" at all. Nor are they for peace, or against war. They're just on the other side. Am I "questioning their patriotism?" No. They've already put it beyond question.
It's no wonder that some people are finding themselves ashamed to be Democrats today. This kind of thing nearly destroyed the Democratic Party in the Vietnam era, and saddled Democrats with a reservoir of distrust where national security matters are concerned that continues to dog them. John Kerry is trying to distance himself from these sorts of sentiments, a move for which he deserves praise. But there are a lot of people among the Democratic Party's activist base who feel this way. For these Democrats, it's Vietnam all over again. Will Kerry be able to find a way out of this quagmire?
Matt's Chat
Glenn hits it on the head when he says that the "anti-war" crowd, the leaders at least, are on the "other side." But John Kerry isn't doing enough to distance himself from these folks. He can't. He was one of them in the aftermath of his service in Vietnam. That is a quagmire for Kerry. He can't run from that.Mark's Remarks
I have a problem with Glenn's praising Kerry for distancing himself. Who introduces Kerry at every function, it seems? Ted Kennedy, the man who said this was a modern day Vietnam. Kerry hugs and gladhands with him for about five minutes before talking. How is that distancing yourself? Kerry's leading supporters are calling this action against Iraq Vietnam, and you honestly cannot tell me that Kerry is not sending out his surrogates to Vietnamize Iraq, after all, John Kerry was so good at undermining the troops during the actual Vietnam. I am sorry, this is one time that I cannot agree with Glenn's assertion. Kerry is only distancing himself on the surface. He WAS ONE of the people who destabilized the Dem's stance on national security. His BUDDIES are out there calling this action Vietnam. How is that distancing yourself? I say he is playing a subterfuge game, INDEED.