Hillary Takes a Shot
From Editor & Publisher:Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) told newspapers editors gathered here this afternoon that they had to be "more vigilant" and act with "more tenacity" to combat the failures of the Bush administration to provide "vital information" to the public.This thing is just hilarious...you have to read the whole thing.
Interviewed by Marvin Kalb on the opening day of the annual American Society of Newspaper Editors convention, Sen. Clinton said: "It's difficult for editors and publishers here to get to the bottom of stories. This administration, to an extent I haven't seen before, tells the press to go away -- and they do, like most people do when told that more than once. ... Many in this administration are quite expert at saying nothing despite your best efforts to get them to say something."
She reminded the editors that "so much is at stake now and the public needs more information." She also warned that "the echo chamber of talk radio can drown out a three-part series any of you write."
Matt's Chat
Hillary still believes in the Vast Right Wing ConspiracyTM. I mean, I know we have a handbook and all now, but sheesh!Let me get serious here for a minute: This President has released a TON of stuff that people demanded of him. Everytime he (the President) says he's going to do something, he follows through. For example, military records... Seems to me like this is more projection from the Leftists on to conservatives, an affliction that we have noticed more than once lately.
Mark's Remarks
This from the woman who said that the media were out to get her husband, that everyone was out to get her husband! These comments from the woman who probably shredded more documents than Fawn Hall ever did, who engaged in more subterfuge, and who is married to the biggest liar in Presidential History! Give me a break!!!!
Woman, unlike your husband, this President has not equivocated by asking what the definition of 'is' is. Unlike you and your lying husband, this administration has provided unprecedented access to the press (like Bob Woodward, for instance) and has given the public many never before released briefings and high level documents....What did your administration (remember, she was considered co-president) ever do, aside from seek injunctions, to smear factfinders, and to engage in media assault?
I know the American people can see past this attempt to pander to the media. The American people remember your time in the White House as a time of lies and manipulation. It is sad that the hacks in the media fawn all over your sorry behind, like Katie Couric, Dan Blather, and the other liberal synchopants who have nothing else better to do than heel to you. You are a wretched woman, a woman who did not earn her position through work, but through celebrity. You are nothing more than a panderer, and I hope and pray more people see through your subterfuge and send you running back to whatever pit spawned you when you fail in '08.