Tuesday, May 04, 2004

AGJOBS Gains Senate Support

From the Washington Post:
Sixty senators have now signed on to a bill that proposes to legalize some farm laborers and make it easier for agriculture employers to hire them, a signal the bill would have a strong chance of passing the Senate if brought to the floor for a vote.

The crucial 60th signature came Monday, from West Virginia Democratic Sen. John Rockefeller, said Sid Smith, a spokesman for Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, the bill's co-author.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., does not have to call up the bill for a vote. The 60 sponsors are no guarantee the bill will get as many votes, but the support gives the legislation, dubbed AgJobs, a shot in a year when Congress has taken up no major immigration legislation.
Hat tip to the Stein Report.

Matt's Chat

AgJobs is a travesty. How do I know? It is the brainchild of Teddy "Have Another" Kennedy.

Rewarding people for breaking the law is NOT American.

Mark's Remarks

For those of you out there griping about the President's plans on immigration, this should REALLY get your blood boiling. This law would lower the standards of proof of citizenship, and in addition to its companion legislation, the DREAM Act, it would basically make college education freely available to illegals, paying for their college, even while law abiding citizens struggle to pay their children's tuition. Folks, here is the call to action. Contact your senators now and tell them that this proposal is flawed. We need better security measures for rounding up illegals, not worse measures. We need to control the flood of workers, not give them free passes and pay for their education as we have to pay for our own. Call, write, email your senators and tell them this BS legislation has no place in America. It is a travesty and an attack.


Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits, and Security Act of 2003 is S1645 and H.R.3142

Federation for American Imigration Reform