Thursday, May 06, 2004

The Big Guy With No Ideas & PETA

Michael Moore is making headlines with his controversial documentary, but one group is targeting the filmmaker for his waistline.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has selected the gadfly filmmaker as one of its “Flab Five” and is treating him to a Veg Eye for the Fat Guy makeover. “Looks like the ‘Downsize This’ author has been doing too much supersizing,” notes PETA.

“We’ll be sending him a nice little care package, a makeover kit filled with health and diet tips, PETA’s vegetarian starter kit, and suggestions on how he might change his lifestyle,” PETA’s Michael McGraw tells The Scoop.

Matt's Chat

Please utilize the comments section and make your own joke... I mean, there is a lot to make fun of here: Michael "Miserable Failure" Moore, People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, and MSNBC for actually taking all this seriously.