Tuesday, May 18, 2004


From FOX News:
Tests on an artillery shell that blew up in Iraq on Saturday confirm that it did contain an estimated three or four liters of the deadly nerve agent sarin (search), Defense Department officials told Fox News Tuesday.

The artillery shell was being used as an improvised roadside bomb, the U.S. military said Monday. The 155-mm shell exploded before it could be rendered inoperable, and two U.S. soldiers were treated for minor exposure to the nerve agent.

Matt's Chat

I don't want to hear any more crap from leftys about WMD in Iraq. I know, the goalpost will move now...where are the stockpiles of WMD? Or some other such nonsense. (Liberal Challenge: Who, and cite your source - and it can't be one of those crazy liberal black helicopter sites - said there were stockpiles of WMD in Iraq?)

Mark's Remarks

With liberals, it is never enough. They merely think of themselves as the good but persecuted victims, even as facts pile up against them. They cannot be wrong, but it must be the world that is wrong. It is never about growth, but rather about protecting their veneer of perfection, even as every system or program they have supported has led to disaster, whether it be the quagmire of the War on Poverty, to the demolition and gutting of our intel community, to the appeasement and detente with the USSR of the 1970s.....It is never they were wrong, but rather that things did not work out as they should have, that if we would only give them MORE power, they could make it work. Stalin thought so, also....yet 20 million were killed to give him more power and he still did not think it enough....

Just some food for thought.