Friday, May 28, 2004

Cosby Said the Darnedest Thing

More comments reported by the Washington Times:
"People used to be ashamed," he said.
These days, he said, "a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands,' or men or whatever you call them now."

Here is some cross-examination courtesy of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel via Atlanta Daily World:
Kane wrote, "He's not a poor Black mother raising children in the inner city, so he has no idea how difficult that is in 2004 America. And if the TV star really wants to pass moral judgments on poor black women, ahem, Mr. Cosby, there is a little matter of you having an out-of-wedlock child yourself."

After reading the column, Cosby telephoned Kane. The columnist said that in an hour-long discussion, Cosby explained that he did not intend to smear all poor Blacks.

"I didn't say all black people from the lower classes were to blame," Kane said Cosby told him. "But I said that when you have a 50 percent graduation rate, and some people can't put two sentences together, and can't write or've got people who have put themselves on a track to failure."

WMD Coverage

We are still getting a lot of folks looking for Cosby commentary...Mark's Remarks can be found here.