Wednesday, May 26, 2004


From NewsMax:
Clarke Testimony Discredits Moore's 'Fahrenheit 911'
It's a good thing for Bush-bashing conspiracy filmmaker Michael Moore that the folks who run the Cannes Film Festival weren't paying much attention to the 9/11 Commission hearings earlier this year.

Otherwise they might have figured out that the central premise of Moore's film "Fahrenheit 911" - that President Bush let Osama bin Laden's relatives escape the U.S. and fly off to Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 attacks - has already been debunked.

What's more, the debunker in question, former White House terrorism czar Richard Clarke, has impeccable Bush-bashing credentials, authoring an entire book claiming that the Bush White House didn't do enough to prevent the 9/11 attacks.

But there's one allegation Clarke doesn't include in his anti-Bush bill of particulars - Moore's charge that he let the bin Ladens get away. Why not?

Because Clarke himself has already admitted to making that decision himself.

"I was making - or coordinating a lot of decisions on 9/11 in the days immediately after," he told the 9/11 Commission in late March, saying that the proposal to authorize the bin Laden fly-out was brought directly to him.

From the Boston Globe:
Doubts raised on protest site
Boston's designated area for protesters at the Democratic National Convention remains what one advocate described as a "cesspool" of dirt, construction equipment, and wires, leaving demonstration organizers questioning whether the 29,000-square-foot space will be ready when the convention opens in late July.

In a 90-minute walkthrough and discussion with Boston police officials, representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the state chapter of the National Lawyers Guild said that despite securing a bigger space and promises from city officials to provide a sound system, they still have a number of concerns.

"It's hard to fathom an area in such incredible disarray could possibly be blacktopped and ready to go before the convention," said Carol Rose, executive director of the state's ACLU. "Right now, it's a tangle of barbed wire, a cesspool of dirt and rock and garbage. Whether it comes from a theory into reality is the question."

From the Boston Globe:
Ted Kennedy's anti-American slander
TWO WEEKS ago Senator Ted Kennedy uttered what may turn out to be the single most disgusting remark made about the United States in the course of the Iraq War. The reaction to his slander - or rather, the lack of reaction - speaks volumes about the moral bankruptcy of the American left.

Speaking in the Senate on May 10, Kennedy had this to say about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal:

"On March 19, 2004, President Bush asked, 'Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open?' Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management - US management."
Read the full text of Kennedy's remarks

This was not a blurted, off-the-cuff comment - Kennedy was reading from a prepared text. It was not a shocked first reaction to the abuses at Abu Ghraib - the story had broken more than a week earlier. Incredibly, the senior senator from Massachusetts really was equating the disgraceful mistreatment of a few Iraqi prisoners by a few American troops with the unspeakable sadism, rape, and mass murder that had been routine under Saddam Hussein.

Kennedy's vile calumny should have triggered outrage. Here was the most prominent liberal politician in America accusing his own government of the very savagery it said it had gone to war to uproot. It was the worst kind of anti-American poison, and it was coming not from a crackpot with no following but from one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress. It should have unleashed an uproar.

It unleashed nothing.

Matt's Chat

Re: Moore - No surprise here. Mikey never bother to let the truth get in the way of a good smear. He is afterall, the Hamster King, and that's what they do. Michael "Miserable Failure" Moore wouldn't have it any other way...he'll be laughing all the way to the bank because he got away with lying to the American people yet again.

Re: Dem Convention Protest Site - Again, no surprise here. The Democrats only care about protests when THEY are doing the protesting.

Re: Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy's Statement and the lack of Intellectual Honesty on the Part of Liberals - Again, no surprise here. Liberals can't denounce their own. They insist that Republicans do it when they get crazy, but no way will the Democrats set this drunkard straight. And you know, I actually think it might do some good if a few liberals would do that. But they won' would be the right thing to do.

Mark's Remarks

re: Michael"Miserable Failure" Moore-- No surprise, that he would misconstrue facts, because he has done that in every single "documentary" he has done. These are not documentaries, they are propaganda positions pieces advocating the fat lazy masogynistic liberal's way of life. This guy is a disgrace to film making. He is such a hypocrite, talking about abuses by the wealthy, when his former staffers have gone on record saying this guy tortures them and abuses them psychologically. This guy talks about the rich needing to give some money, even while he lives sheltered away from the masses he claims to represent. Mr. Moore, kindly get on the treadmill and out of the ivory tower. As for laughing to the bank, I hope and pray the opposite happens. I hope this is FINALLY the film that gets Moore in trouble and ruins the charade of a reputation he has. The man and his points of view, while Constitutionally protected, are disturbing and disgusting.

re: Protest sites. How bout that? And lib hamsters everywhere talk about being so far away from the President with "free speech zones." Let me tell you, the protesters I saw (the handful or so) at the Bush rally in Cincy were not in degrading conditions. They had a nice sidewalk with a park bench across from the venue itself. Meanwhile, how do liberals feel about free speech? John Waffles Kerry, when asked about which leaders he had talked to, harassed a voter with "are you a Republican?" Howeird Dean, harassed a senior citizen when asked to stop the hatespeech in a respectful tone in a town meeting. These outbursts were not met with outrage by the supposed free speech loving Left, they were applauded and the crowd actually shouted down and threatened the people who spoke out.

Or, in September of 2002, the protesters at a Bush speech in Portland, who basically assaulted people who were coming to see the President, and harassed people just going into the hotel where the President was staying. These people blocked the path of people who made the free decision to go listen to the President, but where was the outrage at repression then? This just shows, many liberals stand for nothing more than the issue du jour of the moment. Look at environmentalists with alternative energy sources. We don't want coal/oil, but we don't want nukes either. Which is it, eh? No core, no foundation.

RE: Ted "Drunken Murderer" Kennedy-This man is a disgrace. He is a disgrace to his family, three of whom fought for freedom in WWII, one of whom lost his life in that war. He is a disgrace to the tradition of the two surviving brothers who fought in that war, JFK and RFK, who devoted their lives to freedom and reasoned debate. Ted Kennedy is also a disgrace to the US Senate. His behavior in the chambers and outside of them show him to be a drunken, secretary killing, sexual harassing idiotic fool. His latest statements show he does not care about the soldiers as he claims. He does not care about their morale. He does not care that his statements give aid and comfort to the enemy. In fact, all Drunken Murderer Kennedy cares about is getting a little extra press and trying to assassinate the character and leadership of President George W. Bush. Kennedy does not care about serving the people of Massachusetts, or about serving America. He is out for Ted Kennedy, and the other radical Lefties in Congress. He cares only about power. It says a lot about the attitude of the Dimocraps that they did not rush to condemn these comments; in fact, it shows their true colors. They hate our soldiers, too. Not because of what they are doing, but because it relfects well on the President. So, therefore, the soldiers must be evil because they are doing the job set forth for them by the President. For shame, really, that Democrats, in order to win, have to call our soldiers torturers, talk down the economy, and hope for more troop deaths. But, that is what they want. They don't care what they have to say, lie about, or do, they will do it just to try and get power. And the press, eagerly, lustily, goes along with them. Shameful, and disgraceful.