Monday, May 03, 2004

Kerry Waffles on Outsourcing

From the Wall Street Journal Interview
WSJ: Talk a little about that. It's an interesting area, your relationship with the business community. Because you have a record that is not, you know, the Massachusetts liberal kind of record. But you also went through a primary season which trade in particular and outsourcing became hot-button issues. The Benedict Arnold line (about Benedict Arnold CEOs).

KERRY: I understand. I understand. But the Benedict Arnold line applied, you know, I called a couple of times to overzealous speechwriters and said "look that's not what I'm saying."
(emphasis is ours)

Matt's Chat

John "Waffles" Kerry has never, ever made a mistake. Nothing is ever his fault. Waffles manages to find somebody else to blame for EVERYTHING.

And they say President Bush has a problem owning up to things... Sheesh...

Mark's Remarks

Oh, so you are going to blame your speechwriters for your dogmatic rhetoric in seeking to stir up classwarfare.....Even though, as the speech deliverer, you should take responsibility to edit your speeches to make sure the message is correct. Are you saying you are incapable of that, Mr. Kerry? Are you saying that you are so dependent on others to do the work for you that you don't even check over your own speeches? Or are you simply trying to lay blame for dogmatic rhetoric at others?

Check out this gem and see how he has changed his tune from going after "every industry that ships American jobs overseas":
Benedict Arnold does not refer to somebody who in the normal course of business is going to go overseas and take jobs overseas. That happens. I support that.

So now he supports outsourcing.....could someone PLEASE tell me when this guy will take a stand and not Waffle?