Monday, May 24, 2004

Major Terror Threat Uncovered

From The Sun (UK):
MADONNA has axed three gigs in Israel — after terrorists threatened to kill her and her kids.

The singer was terrified by a blitz of poison-pen letters.

Madge “freaked out” when she learned of a terrorist plot to kill her two young children if she performed in Israel.

She first planned to defy the extremists but cancelled after the unnamed Palestinian group mentioned details about Lourdes, seven, and three-year-old Rocco in a series of threatening letters.

Matt's Chat

She's so brave... Wait a minute...wasn't Madonna a Wes Clark supporter? She doesn't like Bush. What's THIS all about? What? Terrorists don't care who's in charge, they just want to kill Americans? Hmm...color me surprised. The media has been spinning this whole thing as an anti-Bush thing. Liberals keep saying it has something to do with Iraq. The evidence doesn't seem to support either. So what's going on here?

Mark's Remarks

Maybe the Material Girl will wake up and realize that we have to get these animals before they get us. Of course, we are talking about the star of Shanghai Surprise, so don't hold your breath.