Thursday, May 27, 2004

Matt's Chat

From the TIB Network:
I've noticed that the big trend this week is folks looking for commentary about Bill Cosby's remarks. Mark's Remarks can be found here.

Speaking of Mark, he isn't feeling well and should be taking a couple of says off from the blog...not sure he will actually do it though, so we'll see.

As reported earlier in the news crawler above, the TIB gang met up with the SOC Entertainment folks at the MVCC studio. The studio is smaller than what we are used to at DATV, but I think our production values will go up with better equipment. We will be shooting "filler" material for the "Best of" show on 6/5 and we go Live and Direct from MVCC on 6/19. We are really looking forward to getting started out there.

SOC Entertainment reports that WMDtv sold its first DVD yesterday.

We're still working on the CrushKerry video spots, but are having some problems with the transfer. I haven't given up on it though...they are really good ads.

It is looking like a fairly slow news day so have at it in the comments section...

- Matt