Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Media Bias and The Gloomtm

From MSNBC -
News organizations are exquisitely sensitive to the implications of reporting only bad news where "victim" groups are concerned.

Which means that if they can do better when they want to, then on subjects where they don't do better, they must not want to. And why not? Beats me, but I'm sure it can't reflect well on them, and I'm not surprised that more and more Americans are tuning them out. What business has ever succeeded by making its customers feel bad?

Matt's Chat

Which is exactly why I view the "news" with suspicion these days. If these guys would take the bias out of their coverage, I'd be more likely to appreciate the reporting of something bad. The problem is that when the something bad is something bad for their agenda, it doesn't make the news. That would be a problem. And it has been the problem for quite some time now.

Mark's Remarks

Now, someone is getting it. They are understanding that the media has chosen to focus on the bad news from Iraq, even though the number of Good stories vast outnumbers it. Rather than reporting facts, they are distorting the picture to the lowest common denominator. And why? It is because they are becoming more and more the willing propaganda arm of leftism, and they are doing all they can to undermine pride and ownership of America, instead wanting to bring back the days of malaise and pain of Carter. How else can you explain the lack of coverage of unemployment numbers, the lack of coverage of all the aid given to Iraqi children, and all the news blackout from the Northern area of Iraq?

They know what they are doing. They are trying to manipulate elections for their friends. Folks, educate yourselves. Don't be like the lady I talked to in the teachers lounge the other day, who didn't know anything other than what she saw in soundbites on the news....she was able to recite some vague allusions to protests and conditions today and in Vietnam, but she was disjointed and when you confounded her arguments, she would just say, well, everyone does bad things or that politics is just bad.....and this woman was a teacher! Just goes to show you what is being taught in teacher programs, eh?

Anyway, we cannot let the media make our decisions for us...we have to seek out the truth....we owe it to ourselves, to our soldiers dying for us, and we owe it to our future.