Tuesday, May 25, 2004

OH's Democrat of the Year Update

From the Tribune-Chronicle:
Springer said the Bush administration has created a war against middle class Americans, with policies intended to shrink that middle class.

"For the first time in American history, we are not in the position in which we can honestly look at our children in the eye and say, 'Honey, you're going to have it better than us,'" Springer said. "I don't know if many middle class Americans today believe they can afford to send their children to a good four-year college."

Matt's Chat

I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again: no administration has control over college tuition. Democrats know this, yet they continue to play class warfare. They are hoping to do young, impressionable voters what Bill Clinton managed to do to me: confuse me in to voting for him. Don't fall for this. And Springer should be ashamed of himself for engaging in this kind of rhetoric.

The American Dream is alive and well. The next generation will indeed have it better than we have it now...they are more conservative. Their kids will have it even better.

Mr. Springer, if you are so worried about college costs, why don't you get educated about the subject. It is the STATES that control most college budgets and the administrators who waste the money.

There are many things wrong with post-secondary education. The Bush administration isn't one of them.

Shut the pie hole, Dem-O'-Da-Year.

Mark's Remarks

Matt, it should hardly surprise you that this peddler of sleaze and smut would engage in such hateful rhetoric. And how is he to know about the middle class? Living in his large estate, behind gates and security guards, how is he to know what Americans are feeling? What, because he has some of the worst examples of trailer trash on his show, he thinks he has the pulse of America? Come on. Mr. Springer, you were a joke as a mayor, a joke as a reporter, and a joke as a political activist. You are such a huckster, it is sad and pathetic that this state would name you democrat of the year.

Mr. Springer, states control college tuition. States control that, and right now this state is being run by the most liberal Republican administration in the state's history. Mr. Taft is a crock as a Republican, and I hope he took those boos in Cincinnati to heart. Springer, instead of trying to play the class warfare game, why don't you establish scholarships to help defray the cost of college, you know, do some good work, instead of the trash you call a talk show?

The fact is, there are more college aid opportunities out there than ever before. While tuition increases, the amount of aid to students increases as well, and with low interest rates on loans, this helps defray costs further. Quit playing class and age warfare games, Jerry, and stick to real issues!