Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Michael Moore’s controversial documentary may get Disney boycotted after all.

Conservatives threatened to boycott the Mouse House last year when it was revealed that the movie company’s subsidiary Miramax was funding the Bush-bashing film, “Fahrenheit 9/11.” Now that Disney is refusing to let Miramax distribute the Palm D’or winning flick, liberals are organizing a boycott against it.

“You are censoring one of the most important filmmakers in America,” reads a petition being circulated by Democrats.com and signed by more than 20,000 people. “This is unacceptable in a democracy. As consumers, we are not powerless. We will protest with our wallets — by boycotting Disney products until you agree to distribute Fahrenheit 9/11.” They’re saying they won’t buy anything produced by Disney, including its films, theme parks, toys, and TV networks.

“It’s a free country,” Disney spokeswoman Zenia Mucha tells The Scoop. “We have a right to decline distribution. They have a right to do whatever they think is in their interest.”

Matt's Chat

Michael "Miserable Failure" is getting exactly what he wants: more publicity and more buzz. This is why I advocated ignoring this punk in the first place.

Information about a real documentary being released this year, can be found here. "The story of a rebel who took on Mike." Support the making of this film by purchasing cool, swag gear here.

Mark's Remarks

Where in the blue blazes was all this outrage over censorship when Mel Gibson was trying to find a distributor for "The Passion of the Christ?" Where was the liberal outrage over freedom of expression being impinged then? What blatant hypocrisy, what a crock of crap! If Mr. Moore is so convinced that this film is so monumental, let him put up some of his millions and distribute it himself...oh wait, he is a liberal, they can't take responsibility for themselves or do anything on their own, they have to have others do it for them....Silly me!