Monday, May 03, 2004

UNSCAM - Oil For Food: Kofi Clueless About Sevan Hush Letter

From Meet The Press via

MR. RUSSERT: Someone also very close to you has alleged involvement in this scandal. This is how The San Diego Union Tribune wrote about it. "What particularly troubles are revelations that several hundred individuals, political entities and companies from more than 45 countries profited from doing illicit business with Saddam, accepting his oil contracts and paying the murderous dictator secret kick-backs. That included, according to Iraqi Oil Minister records, U.N. Assistant Secretary General Benon Sevan, executive director of the oil-for-food program, who received a vouch for 11.5 million barrels of oil through the program, enough to turn a profit as much as $3.5 million."

Now, Mr. Sevan has denied that allegation.

SEC'Y-GEN. ANNAN: Yes, sir.

MR. RUSSERT: But NBC News has obtained this letter that was sent on his stationery on April 14. This is just two weeks ago. "I refer to your e-mail ... regarding a request by `a Governmental Authority' for reports ... relating to the Oil-for-Food Programme. ... While we understand Saybolt's"--that's a company--"desire to be cooperative with bodies looking into the Programme ... we would ask that Saybolt address any further requests for documentation or information concerning these matters to us ..."

So Mr. Sevan, who's being investigated, is telling a company that's also being investigated, "Don't cooperate with government authorities unless you clear it with me." Why is he still involved in the investigation?

SEC'Y-GEN. ANNAN: Right. No, I wasn't aware of this confess for--Benon has worked with the U.N. for several decades, and I will be surprised if he's guilty of these accusations.
(emphasis is ours)

Matt's Chat

What's that smell?'s the UN... The smell of corruption is STRONG!

Mark's Remarks

Missing recordkeeping, hush letters, threats, misplaced blame, and a Red Fox lookalike playing it any wonder Clinton wants to be Secretary General someday? He could probably do a better job of a slicker cover up than Fred Sanford Kofi Annan any day.

Note the bold part: Kofi said confession. Even he is giving up some information. We have someone attempting to silence sources for an investigation, and Fred Sanford Kofi thinks nothing is wrong and attempts to play clueless, but he lets things slip. Wow, inept leadership for an inept organization. Welcome to today's UN.