Thursday, May 20, 2004

Waffles and Gas

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network

It seems that the presumptive nominee can't make up his mind. Again. This time, it is gas prices.
"We're seeing the economic opportunity of America's families disappearing into gas tanks across the country," Kerry said in a statement, adding, "and for some reason, the president is not lifting a finger to help."
- John Kerry (Washington Times, May 19, 2004)

But earlier this year, Mr. Kerry was angry that the President was working on the problem:
“If it is true that gas supplies and prices in America are tied to the American election, tied to a secret White House deal, that is outrageous and unacceptable to the American people,” Kerry said.
- John Kerry (The State, April 21, 2004)

So, which is it Mr. Kerry? You can't have it both ways. Either you want the President to make a deal or you don't, but you don't get to have it both ways. You're running for President of the United States, is it too much to ask that you take a position on this that will last longer than a couple of months?

While we're on the subject of high gas prices, isn't this exactly what the liberals wanted? Isn't this what John Kerry wanted? He supported a gas tax. In order to make America more "environmentally friendly," shouldn't high gas prices be what John Kerry wants as a liberal? Or is this another opportunity for John Kerry to grandstand in an attempt to appease the "little people," you know, schlubs like you and me. I find that much more likely.

What is John Kerry's solution? Well, he'd talk to OPEC some more while his buddies want to open up the Strategic Petrolium Reserves:
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and others favor pressuring the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which cut production in March and April, to boost its output to meet demand. Others want to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, an idea Kerry has not endorsed. Kerry has said that new contributions to the reserve should be slowed to ease petroleum supplies.
- The Herald, May 20, 2004

Now remember, folks, the President tried to get his energy plan through Congress, but Kerry and his buddies weren't having it:
"On the one hand, they decry the price at the pump, and on the other hand, they won’t do anything about it. They won’t take action. Congress needs to pass the energy plan."
- President Bush, The Herald, May 20, 2004

To which John Kerry's campaign says:
"Once again, the president is making excuses instead of actually coming up with a plan to deal with the gas price crisis that is roiling the American economy," Kerry campaign spokesman Phil Singer said.
- The Herald, May 20, 2004

The reality is this: we need refineries; we need alternative fuel sources; and we need a plan. The President has a plan, but obstructionists in Congress continue to get in the way.

I really don't understand the outrage. When compared to things like milk, bottled water and a slew of other products, $2.00 per gallon is a fantastic price. Consider: oil has to be drilled, sent down a pipeline to a ship, floated across the ocean, pipelined to a refinery, refined in to gasoline, pipelined to a distributer, and then trucked to the gas station. I'm amazed it doesn't cost more than $2.00 per gallon.

Now the argument against this line of reasoning is that there are alternatives for other products when the price gets too high. You can always drink tap water when milk gets too high in price. Your car doesn't have that choice. That is where alternative fuel sources come in to play. That is where tapping our own resources (ANWR anyone?) come in to play. We have things that we can do, but we can't let the eco-weenies get in the way of progress. I'm all for conservation. I love the environment as much as the next guy. But if the choice is between us and the porcupine caribou, I choose us every time.

Folks, don't be fooled by John Kerry's gas rhetoric. High gas prices are exactly what he wants. You'll stop buying SUVs and he'll be able to tax the gas companies more. It is a win/win for him. And if he can fool you in to thinking that he is really on your side, that's just a bonus for him. All this sound and fury is nothing more than the utilization of polling data and a politicain taking advantage of our frustrations. John Kerry will tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear. Remember Earth Day, John Kerry doesn't own any SUVs, his family owns them. This is more of the same. He calls it nuance. I call it lying to the American people.

Additional Resources

The Kerry Line: Kerry's Energy Policy Obstruction

Mark's Remarks

John Waffles Kerry does it again. Another waffle. He argued today that the President needs to open the Emergency Reserve to lower gas prices. Yet it was John Kerry just a few years ago who argued AGAINST opening up the reserves to lower gas prices because it would be insignificant. Folks, the 60-70 million barrel number Kerry and his people are throwing around is insignificant, especially since Americans use 1/3 of that IN A DAY! We would basically have extra oil for three days! How is that supposed to really lastingly lower the price?!? Even the New York Times chastised Mr. Kerry for this blatantly pathetic attempt at politicking! The head of the International Energy Agency is on Bush's side. The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Board has said your grandstanding on the oil reserve issue is pathetic and wrong! OF course, you only talk to international heads of state if they are from France, Russia, or North Korea, right Johnny Boy?

President Bush is right. Look at HIS energy plan. It addresses the needs of oil refineries (one of the real problems with oil prices, we don't have enough to refine the oil efficiently, ie, inexpensively). It also addresses drilling in ANWR, which is necessary and IS NOT HARMFUL TO THOSE FRIGGIN CARIBOU. In fact, in other places where we have drilled in Alaska, the Caribou population has gone up after we begin drilling. It is a BLATANT LIE by the environmental whackos that drilling would destroy the caribou. Study after study has been done, and the results do not go the environmentalists way. So, they paint ANWR as some type of beautiful vista. Even the Native Innuits want drilling, because they want jobs and prosperity. Of course, who cares about their needs, they are a smaller voting bloc, right Mr. Kerry?

And, the President does address the needs for alternative sources. He has specific goals for wind farms and solar power. Of course, Kerry hates that you mention wind farms, unless you say you can't build them on Cape Cod because he has to have his spectacluar view, screw the environment, right Mr. Kerry? Oh wait, the environmentalists might be listening so tell them that you don't own SUVs.

The most pathetic and silly thing? Kerry himself argued against this. Now, I ask you, who is unprincipled? Who is, in effect, a MIS-leader? Ask his former commanders, they know.

More Resources

Kerry the Gas Guzzler- This Washington Times articles shows Bush is consistent on the Oil Reserve Policy, while Kerry, of Course, Waffles.
Mr. Kerry wants to divert the current SPR fill-rate of 105,000 barrels per day — about one-half of 1 percent of America's total daily oil consumption of 20 million barrels. That's hardly enough to make a dent in the gasoline market.
Coming from a family that owns five palatial, energy-consuming homes, its very own Gulfstream II jet, a 42-foot powerboat, eight vehicles (including two Jeeps and a Chevy Suburban) and a Harley, Mr. Kerry has no standing when it comes to dealing with energy problems or the current surge in gasoline prices. Nevertheless, Mr. Kerry wants middle- and working-class Americans to believe that he truly feels their pain.
After having spent the past three years leading the Democratic opposition to the Bush administration's efforts to expand domestic oil supplier, Mr. Kerry needs to keep his hands off America's long-term strategic insurance policy.