Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Washington Times

Two stories from the Washington Times that are worthy of notice:
1)U.S. Says Iraq Attack Site Wasn't Wedding

2) Iraqi weapons pipeline probed

Matt's Chat

Recap/Synopsis: That was no wedding and the weapons are coming from Syria.

Question: What are we going to do about it?

Mark's Remarks

What? You mean the locals lied about the wedding to protect terrorists? That can't be! The only liars are Americans....Wait, sorry, I was channelling Al Franken for a moment there....

We have got to stand up and take Syria to account for this, and also to give the sad, pathetic, outmoded, useless world community a kick in the pants to jump on board. Terrorism is not just our problem, it is everybody's problem. Of course, with the exception of England, Europe is taking its usual recourse: let the US deal with it and then reap the rewards after they shed their blood. This is old hat with them: WWII, etc.

To our men and women, keep on fighting the good fight, and send more articles home telling of the vast good work you are doing. Bombard the papers back here with so many letters they have to print a few. Maybe then we can get more of the truth out, instead of the propaganda spewed by Dan Blather and Co.