Thursday, June 17, 2004

9/11 Update

From the Washington Post:
Vice President Cheney did not issue orders to shoot down hostile aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001, until long after the last hijacked airliner had already crashed, and the order was never passed along to military fighter pilots searching for errant aircraft that morning, according to a new report issued this morning by the panel investigating the attacks.

A painstaking recreation of the faltering and confused response by military and aviation officials on Sept. 11 also shows that fighter jets never had a chance to intercept any of the doomed airliners, in part because they had been sent to intercept a plane, American Airlines 11, that had already crashed into the World Trade Center.

The jets also would probably not have been able to stop the last airplane, United Airlines Flight 93, from barreling into the White House or U.S. Capitol if it had not crashed in Pennsylvania, according to the report.

Matt's Chat

Can you imagine the frothy HALLIBURTON! nonsense we'd still be hearing if the Vice President ordered an airliner shot down and our military actually done it?

All this second-guessing is counter-productive. What this Commission should have been focusing on instead of political granstanding is coming up with a set of recommendations to prevent anything like this from happening ever again. That did not happen at any time during this Commission's existance. And that is a tragedy in and of itself because it illustrates just how far down the toliet the liberals have dragged this country. They will do anything to regain some power in Washington, even at the expense of national security.

Mark's Remarks

Now we are b**ching about confusiion and such? I think there would a quite a damn bit of confusion as this was happening, don't you, considering it hadn't been done before, and considering that because of massive cuts in intelligence, and a wall between the intel services we were essentially flying blind? This is ridiculous, it is foolhardy, and it is, indeed, counterproductive to national security. The only thing to be gleaned is that the Left cares only for taking back power, and will use anyone's pain and suffering, anyone's sorrow, to do it. They are mean-spirited, partisan, truth blurring and whitewashing hacks who should never have been considered for this panel. We have one commissioner who should be a witness, Ms. Gorelick.

This commission is a partisan fraud and it is time more people said so.