Allawi: Saddam/al Qaeda Link 'Genuine'
From NewsMax:
The man tapped to head Iraq's new interim government has vouched for the authenticity of evidence that links Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks.
Though the notion that Iraq played a role in 9/11 is considered heresy in U.S. intelligence circles, newly appointed Iraq Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said in December that a document purported to be from Saddam's intelligence service that places lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in Baghdad two months before the attacks was indeed "genuine."
Matt's Chat
I can hear Dick Clarke now...not Allawi too, didn't ANYBODY read my book? I read your book Dick. You were wrong. About a great many things. This is merely one of them. You laughed off Laurie Mylroie and it turns out she was right and you were wrong. I'm sure she won't be holding her breath for an apology for the smear. I know I wouldn't.This is very interesting news. It should make an awful lot of critics shut the pie hole. It won't. But it should.
Mark's Remarks
No, it won't Matt, because Allawi is just a puppet for the fascist American regime which is so evil that they have helped establish democracy without asking for recompense, without being arrogant, and with putting up with criticism from the very people we are trying to help. Wow, America is just so evil, isn't it?
That is what far lefties believe, and what more and more mainstream liberals are believing. It is a bunch of crap. Of course, the liberal mantra applies here: never let facts get in the way of a smear. Even though we are seeing the ties between Iraq and terror, between France's refusal to fight and illegal kickbacks, liberals do nothing but continue to provide aid and comfort to the terrorists, mock our soldiers' heroic efforts, and shamelessly slander the good name of America. Yet, why aren't they volunteering for service to the poor Iraqis, eh? It is because at heart they have no courage, the only courage they have is in wrapping themselves in the very things our soldiers die to protect so they can slander those selfsame soldiers. Disgusting, but that is what we get for allowing the Left to hijack education for the last 30 years.