Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Another Win

From WorldNetDaily:
An American citizen living in Queens arrested by the FBI, and who has admitted to being a sleeper agent for al-Qaida, has ties to a British-based Islamic extremist organization with still more agents operating in the New York borough, WorldNetDaily has learned.

Mohammed Junaid Babar, a naturalized citizen from Pakistan, was secretly taken into custody in April and is being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan. Babar, who is said to be cooperating with interrogators, allegedly admitted to aiding in a plot to blow up discos, restaurants and train stations in London. Babar faces 30 years to life in prison under an agreement with federal prosecutors.

The plot was foiled in late March when British authorities arrested eight suspects and seized 1,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which can be used to make explosives, from a storage locker near central London.
The Queens branch youth leader, Abu Yousuf, a U.S. citizen who says he attended a "camp" in Sudan and takes computer courses at the City University of New York, speaks at universities throughout New York City at events usually sponsored by the Muslim Student Association.

At one Al-Muhajiroun event at Queensborough Community College sponsored by the MSA and attended by WND, a Muhajiroun speaker working with Yousuf said, "We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don't lobby Congress or protest because we don't recognize Congress! The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it!"

The speaker continued, "The so-called terrorists are the only people who truly fear Allah. ... They are the only worthy causes, and the mighty superpower only fears them."

Matt's Chat

This isn't a ghost story, this is actually happening. Leftists would have us believe that these guys are not a threat. I reject that notion completely.

Another win for the good guys... (Peter, that's us in case you weren't sure.)

Mark's Remarks

Yep, we don't need the Patriot Act. We don't need an increased need for intelligence. We don't need to support the war on terror. That is, we don't need to do these things if we don't care about future attacks and more people dying.

Simple fact: we are advancing in the war on terror, we are getting at sleeper agents, and we could do better if the Left would actually pretend they care about American security more than power for once. However, this cannot happen, because the Left has become so unhinged power is what it is all about for them.