Monday, June 07, 2004

Commentary: Conservativism Growing in America

From Accuracy in Media:
Some people believe that American policy has been hijacked by right-wing extremists from Texas, but the truth is that regardless of who is in power, America has evolved in the last 50 years into a distinctly conservative nation, said Adrian Wooldridge, co-author of The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America. While the country may have a conservative slant to it, that has nothing to do with who runs the government.
Clearly not all Americans are conservative, Wooldridge said, but America as a whole has moved to the right in recent years. In the 1950s and the 1960s, very few people identified themselves as conservative. In 1964, John Kenneth Galbraith, an economist and author, said: "These without doubt are the years of the liberal. Almost everyone now so describes himself." Today, however, Wooldridge said, 41 percent of Americans identify themselves as conservative while only 19 percent view themselves as liberal.

Matt's Chat

I love morning sunshine! Don't you?

Mark's Remarks

And who do we have to thank for moving America to the Right side? Ronald Wilson Reagan...Thanks again, Gipper.

However, we have to be on guard against the attempts by the Left to whack out America....Be vigilant, be watchful...