Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Fighting WMD Proliferation

From al Reuters via My Way News:

Nuclear terrorism is the gravest threat the United States faces, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said on Tuesday as he offered a plan to secure atomic arsenals and materials around the world.

"The enemy is different and we must think and act anew," Kerry said in excerpts of remarks prepared for delivery in West Palm Beach, Florida. "We have to do everything we can to stop a nuclear weapon from ever reaching our shore and that mission begins far away."

In the second of three speeches on national security, Kerry is expected to propose a new high-level White House job to oversee efforts to prevent a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons and recommend speeding up a current program to secure nuclear material in the former Soviet Union.

From al Reuters via My Way News:

President Bush said Tuesday an international drive to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction should be expanded to target those funding the deadly trade.

In a videotaped address Bush said his Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), launched a year ago in this southern Polish city, had already boosted security by stopping shipments of dangerous weapons and their components.

"We are determined to keep the world's most dangerous weapons out of the world's most dangerous hands," Bush told delegates from 60 countries at the PSI meeting.

Matt's Chat

You can learn more about President Bush's actual plan by clicking here.

Is it just me or does John Kerry say things that make him sound like he isn't too different from the president on national security but fails to back it up with an actual plan? This is another one of those John Kerry patterns I'm detecting... Kerry says whatever people want to hear but there isn't any actual substance to what he actually says.

I checked John "Waffles" Kerry's webiste for details of his plan and didn't find it. Not saying it isn't there, because it could be hidden in the labrynth that is web navigation, but I couldn't find it. I found the presidents plan in two clicks...

Mark's Remarks

John Kerry's plan is to increase the bureaucracy by putting some watchdog position out there, ala Richard Clarke. We saw how much that worked for terror, didn't we libs? John Kerry has no vision. He talks about weapons proliferation and stopping it, but his buddies the French have helped proliferate weapons of mass destruction around the world. His friends the Chinese, whom he just loves and who love to endorse him, continue to export weapons components to places like North Korea and other rogue states. Remember, it was his buddy, Bill Clinton, that gave North Korea and China vital pieces of technology that experts in national security said should not be sold, but Clinton did it anyway, advancing the cause of nuke proliferation for China and N. Korea by decades. And who supported this idea, which expanded Chinese weapons proliferation and creation? John F'n Kerry.

Mr. Kerry has no clue about national security. After we were attacked in 1993 at the first WTC bombing, he drafted legislation to destroy the CIA and intelligence gathering services, slicing about 6 billion from the intel budget. This, from John Kerry, self proclaimed expert on national security. He has no clue, he has no core. He doesn't even care about the election, he is so delusional he has already named himself President, or at least that is what his plane says.

Finally, let's talk about results. The left, what have they done to stop proliferation? In the 1970s, they handcuffed us by signing treaties with the Soviets, treaties which were ignored by the Soviets and put us at a disadvantage. In the 1990s, our President sold classified technology to the Chinese and North Koreans (love those campaign contributions, right Bill?) which expanded the possibility of rogue states getting nuke technology, creating a far more dangerous atmosphere for the future.

What has Bush done? Well, he has brought North Korea and Iran out of their lies and subterfuge and they now face the light of the civilized world on them to disarm, creating more chances for disarmament. Because of our actions, we have revealed arms smuggling rings out of Pakistan and AQ Khan. We brought Libya to the bargaining table and made them give up nuke ambitions. What has Kerry done except to savage these efforts? What has he done besides seek to blind and handcuff America?