Monday, June 21, 2004

France Update

From the Telegraph:
France has been accused of agreeing to a crackdown on exiled opponents of Iran in return for lucrative commercial contracts.

Lawyers for France's human rights league, speaking on the anniversary of a huge police raid on the National Council of Resistance of Iran near Paris, pointed out "troubling coincidences" in the timing of the operation and a series of deals with Teheran.

In March last year, the regime signed a large contract with the French telecommunications group Alcatel for a telephone network.

In April last year Teheran offered the petrol giant TotalFina a £660 million gas fields contract. At the same time, a contract was signed with Renault to produce 500,000 cars over four years, the lawyers said.

Matt's Chat

Liberals: Remember this posting when France vetoes a UN Resolution on Iran... I know I will...

Mark's Remarks

No. The Left will just continue to deny, deny deny....even as their favs the French continue to subjugate world safety by dealing with islamofascist regimes while claiming to want peace and to stop terror. What a corrupt, egomaniacal government, but what do you expect from Jack Iraq?