An Idea Who's Time Has Come
From NBC4 (Columbus, OH):
An Ohio state representative wants to see President Ronald Reagan's image added to Mount Rushmore.
Rep. Ron Young, R-Painesville, introduced a resolution Monday requesting Congress to add the former president's image to the South Dakota landmark.
Matt's Chat
Tom, the TIB Network's IT Guru, was over a couple of days ago and we were discussing this very idea. I think it is a good one. I fully support including President Reagan on Mount Rushmore.Mark's Remarks
I am Mark and I support this project.
Ronald Reagan deserves something grand, especially when you consider the following:
Jimmy Carter allowed Russia to take Afghanistan, let them gain a nuclear advantage, and allowed Islamfascists to take Iran and hold Americans hostage, yet he received a Nobel Peace Prize...Ironic when you consider that because of his INACTION, the United States and the world has been thrown into battle in the MidEast and Afghanistan because of events he helped usher in: destruction of Afghan culture and the rise of fundamentalist mullahs.
Mikhail Gorbachev, who fought tooth and nail to preserve the Soviet Union, and a staunch Communist til the end, received the Nobel Peace Prize even though in several speeches to his people he vowed that the Soviet Union would continue forever, even though the man tried to continue to pillage and spit on treaties with the US. The man who forced Gorby to change has not so much as received an honorable mention.