Friday, June 18, 2004

Just Because I Could

From My Way News:
Former President Clinton tells CBS'"60 Minutes" that he never considered resigning and is proud he fought efforts to impeach him amid the scandal over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

"I stood up to it and beat it back," Clinton says of the impeachment process, which he describes as "an abuse of power."

"The whole battle was a badge of honor. I don't see it as a stain, because it was illegitimate."

The interview, to take up the full hour of Sunday's program, is timed to next week's publication of Clinton's memoir, "My Life," which covers his Arkansas childhood, his tenure as that state's governor as well as his presidency.

Clinton sees the Lewinsky affair as "a terrible moral error" whose disclosure to his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, put him "in the doghouse."

"I did something for the worst possible reason. Just because I could," Clinton says of his infidelity. "I think that's just about the most morally indefensible reason anybody could have for doing anything."

Matt's Chat

I really don't think that is the worst possible excuse for doing something. It does show exactly what kind of self-absorbed boomer liberal Clinton really is. And I agree with K-Lo on NRO's Corner when she says that it wasn't really about the sex, but rather the lying and abuse of power. And I think the thing that gets me the most is that he is proud of it all; he calls the impeachment a "badge of honor." It wasn't an honor for our country, sir; in fact, I think the whole thing was a tragic waste that Clinton was responsible for because "he could." And if that doesn't put the whole thing in to perspective, I really don't know what would...

Mark's Remarks

I am aghast at the poor excuse of "because I could." Then is this also why he had relations wtih 10 other women in adultery on his wife Hillary (though, really, if you were married to such a shrill woman, wouldn't you?). Of course, this makes one wonder what else he did "just because he could." You know, like, LIE UNDER OATH, TAKE ILLEGAL MONEY FROM THE CHINESE, sell out our defense systems to the Chinese, grant special deals to the North Koreans, take gifts meant for the White House as his own? Any of these ring a bell?

And Bill? Impeachment is no badge of honor. You may have gotten away with perjury, but look at the long term harm you did to the Presidency, tearing down the respect for it that Reagan had built after the malaise and mismanagement of Carter. Look at how you embarrassed your country in the eyes of its own citizens and the world. And, besides, we both know that you should have been impeached for other things besides the sex issues, Mr. Clinton, and besides that, the case was about lying, something you still continue to do to this day. You are utterly disgraceful, and your years since leaving the office have only made you more arrogant.