Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Kyoto Update

From Yahoo! News:
Bjorn Lomborg, author of the controversial 1998 book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" and darling of the right wing, threw down the gauntlet to his German host, Klaus Toepfer, head of the U.N. environment program and veteran environmental campaigner.

"Global warming is something that we can do very little about at very high cost a long time from now," said Lomborg.

He said the hundreds of billions of dollars that the U.N.'s Kyoto pact aimed at curbing global warming would cost, would be better spent on fighting AIDS, hunger or illiteracy.

"For the cost of Kyoto in one year in 2010 we could probably give the entire developing world clean water forever," said the 39-year-old Danish statistician.

He said implementing the accord would buy just six years of delay to climate change by the year 2100.

Matt's Chat

Another nail in the coffin... Kyoto is, was, and always will be a bad deal...

Mark's Remarks