The McAwful Era Ending
From New York Post:
WE weren't totally accurate in predicting three months ago that Sen. John Kerry would dump Terry McAuliffe as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. McAuliffe continues to hold the title. But sources say Kerry has installed John Sasso, a loyalist from Boston, as his key man at the DNC. "No checks are written until Sasso signs off. No decisions are made until Sasso says so," said one Democrat. "Terry McAuliffe was told to take it, or take a hike. And he's taking it." McAuliffe, a multimillionaire from Syracuse, was hand-picked by Bill Clinton and has remained under the influence of Sen. Hillary Clinton. Sasso was a top advisor to Michael Dukakis and then a lobbyist in Beantown. "He is totally loyal to Kerry," said our source.
Matt's Chat
DUH! We've been saying this for months... McAwful is done right after Kerry accepts the nomination. Kerry will not accept Clinton operatives running the DNC.And the press gets all excited over GOP problems in Ohio... The DNC has got some real issues and nobody is talking about it.
Mark's Remarks
Of course not. Can't have the rank and file hear about the discord, it would disrupt the plantation.
Kerry will, however, keep McAwful around, because while he may not like their influence, he does love those deep pocket connections.