Monday, June 28, 2004

"Mike" and "Imperial Hubris"

From FOX News' Vesters Voice:
I just listened to a radio interview with "Mike", the anonymous CIA officer who used to head the agency's special Bin Laden unit. As you know, he's publishing a book called "Imperial Hubris" — supposedly about how we are not winning the war on terror.

Some news outlets have portrayed this as a scathing indictment of the Bush administration — but I've heard it's also an indictment of the Clinton administrations.

What I find even more interesting is what I just heard "Mike" say. He did not say that we should be trying harder to make Islamic extremists like us. Rather, in his book he said America should engage in a "relentless, brutal and blood soaked offensive until we have annihilated the Islamists."

"Mike" explains that this is not because this is a fun or noble thing to do — but because this is the most realistic option we have.

What do you say to that?

Matt's Chat

Well, I say that plays into Osama's game plan (or at least Michael Moore's version of Osama's game plan) much mo(o)re(?) than what we are currently doing. If "Mike" is really advocating a "Scorched Middle East" plan, his book will be another Dick Clarke laugher...

We're out to change the face of the Middle East, we're not going to do that with carpet bombing and some asphalt. If this is what the CIA has to offer, then we're all in trouble.

Mark's Remarks

We are waging a war not only of guns, but of ideas. We have to not necessarily make the people of the Mid East love us, but at least realize they are shooting themselves and destroying themselves by the actions they take. Scorched earth policies rarely work, even though they may eliminate whole groups of people. You want to tak about creating more terrorists, that would be it. Of course, you would think we are already scorching the earth, the way our own media are reporting our efforts. The Partisan Press, fast becoming the propaganda wing for al Queda.

John Kerry Delinda Est!