Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A Slippery Slope?

From The Daily Times:
The unsealing of divorce court records of a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Illinois could impact the presidential aspirations of Sen. John Kerry, who has his own divorce records under seal in Massachusetts. The publication of accusations made by Jack Ryan’s ex, actress Jeri Ryan, led him to withdraw from the senate race last week. Both Ryans had asked that the records -- in which Mrs. Ryan claimed her husband had tried to get her to go to sex clubs and have sex with him while others watched -- be kept secret.

But, at the behest of the Chicago Tribune, a California judge overruled the divorced couple’s attorneys, who asserted the public’s right to know took a back seat to protecting the Ryans’ child from the embarrassing publicity the release of the records would generate.

In his ruling, Judge Robert Schnider said of the Ryans, "They were aware they were in a public court system, and protection from embarrassment cannot be a basis for keeping from the public what’s put in public courts."

Schnider also said "the openness of court files must be maintained, so that the public ..can be assured that there is no favoritism shown to the rich and powerful."

Jack Ryan, a handsome, rich Wall Street financier turned inner-city school teacher, was a very interesting Republican candidate. But he concluded that he couldn’t overcome the negative publicity surrounding the revelation of his ex-wife’s allegation.

Now that the unsealing of court documents has chased one candidate from this November’s ballot, will it chase another?

We hope not.

Matt's Chat

Of course you hope not...those kinds of tactics are only good when they are employed against Republicans. Enjoy it, idiots, you'll be hoisted on your own petard. Again...

Mark's Remarks

I do not like these tactics. I think candidates should be judged on their merits. Then again, looking at things like this may give us insight into flaws in character, whereby we avoid such mistakes as electing a perjurer as President, and electing someone more concerned about being famous than in protecting our interests. It is an interesting pickle.

However, the Left is ranting now because JK's files are up for dissemination. However, they neednt worry. The Leftist Fascist Media will not publish lurid details or the like, they hate GWB too much.

John Kerry Delinda Est!