Monday, June 28, 2004

Sweet Freedom

From Sky News:
President Ghazo al-Yawar and prime minister Iyad Allawi have been sworn in to their positions in the new Iraqi government following today's surprise decision to go ahead with the early transfer of power.

The handover, after 14 months of occupation from the US-led coalition, was supposed to happen on June 30.

But Iraq's foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, said the deteriorating security situation had led to the date being brought forward.

It was feared guerrillas would stage a major attack to overshadow the handover.

Mr Allawi, speaking after taking the oath, warned insurgents they faced defeat.

"I warn the forces of terror once again," he said.

"We will not forget who stood with us and against us in this crisis."

Matt's Chat

And one of the best signs of Iraqi soverignty I can think of happened just after Mr. Bremer turned over the proverbial keys to the country: he left.

This is a great day for Iraq and the Middle East. It is the dawn of a new age of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Well done!

Mark's Remarks

Congratulations to the Iraqi people. It is now your duty to chart the course for your nation. You must stand strong and vigilant, lest the enemies of freedom you so long had to suffer under be rekindled and brought back. Take up for your new freedoms, fight terror, and go boldly into the world of democracy and freedom. Welcome to the community of free nations.

John Kerry Delinda Est!