Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The UN and Anti-Semitism

From the Jerusalem Post:
In a rare move for a UN official, Annan stated that support for the Palestinian cause does not justify anti-Semitism. "When we seek justice for the Palestinians – as we must – let us firmly disavow anyone who tries to use that cause to incite hatred against Jews, in Israel or elsewhere," he said.

He also called on member states to adopt the "Berlin Declaration," a series of actions endorsed this past April by the 55-member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe against anti-Semitism – a position supported by several of the day's panelists.

"We must make this vision a reality while we still have survivors of the Holocaust among us," said Annan, before introducing Holocaust survivor and fellow Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, who delivered the keynote speech.

Matt's Chat

And there you have it. The UN can continue hammering Israel for "justice" for Palestinians while the Palestinians can continue blowing themselves up in terror attacks.

This does not help the situation, Kofi. Regardless, if you say things like this...:
"The fight against anti-Semitism must be our fight, and the Jews everywhere must feel that the United Nations is their home."
...and then you don't address Palestinian terrorism, such sentiments don't advance the cause of peace. Rather, it is more liberal doublespeak intended to placate the victims as the slaughter continues.

Nice try, Kofi...I suggest you try again when you mean it.

Mark's Remarks