Tuesday, June 22, 2004

UN Slams US

From the Financial Times:
United Nations-mandated auditors have sharply criticised the US occupation authority for the way it has spent more than $11bn in Iraqi oil revenues and say they have faced "resistance" from coalition officials.

In an interim report, obtained by the Financial Times, KPMG says the Development Fund for Iraq, which is managed by the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority and channels oil revenue into reconstruction projects, is "open to fraudulent acts".

The auditors criticise the CPA's bookkeeping and warn: "The CPA does not have effective controls over the ministries' spending of their individually allocated budgets, whether the funds are direct from the CPA or via the ministry of finance."

Matt's Chat

Kettle, meet Pot. The UN should shut the pie hole until they clean up their own house.

Let me tell you why the UN audit was a low priority... The CPA and the Governing Council had authorized an audit as well. Using a different company, the audit ordered by the CPA & Iraqi Governing Council would be more important than an audit for the Useless Nobodies (the UN for new readers). And of course the UN is going to find problems, they are looking for a way to change the subject from the plethora of scandals that has plagued the multinational beauracracy.

I don't see any proof of any wrongdoing here. Until I do, this should be a non-story. Let's see if the Partisan Mediatm feels the same way...

Mark's Remarks

The UN is ticked because it can no longer receive kickbacks from companies that do not exist or get increased revenues from dictators named Hussein, in order to buy hookers and drugs for their execs, as detailed in several recent accounts by former UN workers. The UN is nothing more than a corrupt social gathering of America haters, who engage in the very acts they condemn simply for their own pleasure, and who don't care if they look like hypocrites, because their friends in the Fascist media will cover for them. I say no more. Stand up and be counted, tell your reps to tell the UN to take a hike. They have never done anything for us other than get our men killed. We don't need them, but they need us. Let's use that to clean house, eh?