Friday, June 04, 2004

UNSCUM: The Book

From The Telegraph (UK):
The United Nations has threatened to fire two officials who wrote an expose of sleaze and corruption during its peacekeeping missions of the 1990s.

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, is understood to have favoured an attempt to block publication of the memoir, Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures, a True Story from Hell on Earth, due to be published next month.

Still reeling from the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal, officials in the upper echelons of the UN are alarmed by the promised revelations of wild sex parties, petty corruption, and drug use - diversions that helped the peacekeepers to cope with alternating states of terror and boredom.

Other senior officials, however, have apparently argued that any attempt to gag the book's three co-authors - Heidi Postlewait and Andrew Thomson, who are still on the UN payroll, and Kenneth Cain, who is now a writer - would prompt more negative publicity.

Matt's Chat

Hmm...will you hear any of this from Dan Blather tonight? Tom Brokejaw maybe?

Nah, it would hurt John "Waffles" Kerry's internationalist, let's give our military to the UN, and our soverignty to France idea...

Mark's Remarks

This is an outrage, worse than Abu Gharib, but where are the wholesale condemnations of the UN? Where are they? Wait, liberals love shady sex, as long as they don't get caught....and even when they do they will deny it and blame some nameless and superfluous and nonexistent conspiracy....It is the height of hypocrisy to report on the blatantly stupid actions of some rather idiotic and sadistic idiots, but then attempt to sit on a story where it appears the abuse by UN peacekeepers is systemic and known about, but frequently overlooked. The media is nothing more than a puppet of internationalist appeasers like John Kerry and Co., don't believe them, don't trust them. They have proven with the lack of reporting on this, especially given the press about Abu Gharib, that they are simply political hacks from top to bottom out to destroy Bush. What the hell ever happened to even a shred of decency, much less fairness and impartiality?