Wednesday, July 07, 2004


From Shot in the Dark:
You Might Not Be An American If...

For the ten-thousandth time - yes. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, dissent can be patriotic. Dissent away.

Yes. Oh, yes, yes, We were a nation born from dissent. We started in an armed, violent revolution - the dissentiest dissent there is, yepper, sho nuff.

Dissent is American. Got it.

But there comes a time - and the point moves back and forth depending on the issue - when dissent becomes no longer patriotic. And then seditious. And then treason.

Let's put our stake in the ground, shall we?

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy:
Go read the rest of the post.

Matt's Chat

My favorite was in the comments:
If You Believe:... that Bush has made mistakes, and even done outright harm by some of his decisions, then dissent is American.

But If You Believe:... that Bushitler! NaziNaziNazi! Halliburton! Cheney! Neo-Con Zionist Nazi Pigs!, then please move to France.
That about sums up my view of dissent...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, it is ok to dissent, it is ok to disagree. However, shouldn't you have a reason to dissent other than "I hate Bush?" Shouldn't you have reasons that go beyond the Beastie Boys or some MTV veejay telling you that Bush is bad and Kerry is good? All we hear is how evil Bush is, yet when you press for specifics, you get innuendo and easily debunked garbage like Matt and I heard from Larry the Liberal or David the Dimocrap on our show. It is ok to disagree on policy, but it is not ok to distort and hate simply for power grabbing, to inspire people to dislike their own country simply because you dislike who is running it. However, that is the Left's strategy, because, guess what? They hate America, too.

John Kerry Delinda Est!