Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Edwards on FMA

From the TIB Network:
"The Constitution should never be used as a political tool to divide Americans. I am proud that that shared ideal was strengthened today in the United States Senate by Republicans and Democrats alike because no one should be allowed to use the Constitution for political gain. If this amendment had reached a final vote, I would have voted against it because it is wrong to govern that way.

"We have so much work to do in our country and I believe that our priorities and focus should be on those challenges we want to tackle together: creating new jobs that have better pay and real benefits, giving middle class families a tax cut so they can save for college and pay for health care, and doing more to win the war on terror and to strengthen our homeland defense and support our firefighters, police offices and EMT's. It is time for all of us to work together and meet our greatest challenges so that America is once again stronger at home and respected in the world."
...and Contrast:
Edwards Supports Partner Benefits And Gays In The Military. MSNBC’s CHRIS MATTHEWS: “Are you for gay marriage?” SEN. EDWARDS: “I am not for gay marriage. I am for partner benefits …” MATTHEWS: “Are you for open gays serve in the military? EDWARDS: What I’m for is treating everybody exactly the same no matter what their sexual orientation.…” (MSNBC’s “Hardball,” 2/6/03)
[Emphasis added.]

Matt's Chat

What are these guys on?

Mark's Remarks

Mr. Edwards is showing himself to be quite forgetful. He voted against aid to our troops, including provisions for healthcare for wounded soldiers and families. The man voted against the creation of a homeland security department. The man has consistently taken both sides of every issue consistently. Maybe these two aren't so far apart after all, since they both have a tough time clarifying their positions.
To wit, when asked about Afghanistan, Mr. Edwards said it required leadership. When asked what he would do differently, he just reiterated he would provide leadership. That's really great, Mr. Edwards, but leadership requires action, not just words.

These two are bad news for America. Big on words, low on action.

John Kerry Delenda Est!